Pink Poppy's Ballerina Bouquet Tea Set comes with everything your little hostess needs to host a tea party with friends, real or imaginary. The included 15 pieces are all made from light-weight tin so it's safe for even the clumsies of little hands and accidentle knocks. Everything can be stored inside the beautiful matching carry case which makes the tea party set an ideal 'take-with-you' set for imaginative play, indoors and out. The large carry case features a clasp and includes a decorative Teapot, 4 Tea Cups, 4 Saucers, 4 Plates, and 1 Serving Tray.
Case Dimensions: L23.5cm X H25.5cm X W11.5cm
Please Note: This toy product is for pretend play only
Suitable for ages 3 years+